All Cities: Place des Fêtes

GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Incredible Desserts in New York

You don’t have to have a sweet tooth in order to save room for dessert. At the end of certain meals…

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Martinis at Camphor

10 Years of ResyNational

10 Changes That Defined the Last Decade of Dining in America

Resy turns 10 years old this summer, and we’re celebrating with a cross-country series of special experiences. A lot has…


A busy night at Estela

10 Years of ResyNew York

10 Moments That Defined the Last Decade of Dining in New York

Resy, which got its start right here in New York in 2014, turns 10 years old this summer, and we’re…


Café Mado spread

The RundownNew York

All About Café Mado, From the Team Behind Oxalis and Place des Fêtes 

It was certainly a sad day in Brooklyn last year when Oxalis closed its doors in Crown Heights, but the…


A spread of dishes at Bungalow

The Hit ListNew York

The Resy Hit List: Where In New York You’ll Want to Eat in June 2024

There’s no question we hear more often: Where should I go eat? And while we at Resy know it’s an…


A spread at D.C.'s Lutèce

Dining Access Hit ListNational

Ten Restaurants That Define American Dining This Winter

Summer may be when everyone comes out to play, but let’s be real: Winter is when serious eaters are in the…


InterviewsNew York

Oxalis Chef Nico Russell on Why You Can’t Have a Restaurant Without a Community 

In a month, one of Brooklyn’s most celebrated restaurants, Michelin-starred Oxalis, is closing its doors — at least temporarily —…


The dining room at Roman's

GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Monday Night Dining in New York

Too often, Mondays are written off as a bad night for dining out. Many restaurants are closed and it’s tempting…

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Resy RegularsNew York

Shukette Chef Ayesha Nurdjaja’s Favorite Restaurants for Sharing Everything

Where do chefs go and, more importantly, where do they love to eat? In Resy Regulars, we ask Resy chefs…


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