All Cities: Una Pizza Napoletana

The One Who Keeps the BookNew York

How to Get the Toughest Restaurant Reservations in New York

Often in New York, the most important dining question doesn’t revolve around where to eat: It’s how do we get…


Martinis at Camphor

10 Years of ResyNational

10 Changes That Defined the Last Decade of Dining in America

Resy turns 10 years old this summer, and we’re celebrating with a cross-country series of special experiences. A lot has…


Bonnie's chow nai sundae

GuidesNew York

23 of New York’s Best Ice Creams to Order for Dessert

We’re calling it now: The song of the summer is the Mr. Softee truck theme. Even so, if you need…


Resy staff picks April

Staff PicksNew York

The New York Restaurants We Loved in April

This month, we successfully snagged seats at the latest and hottest openings, enjoyed everything from Japanese breakfast to Jewish-inspired brunch,…


Staff PicksNew York

The New York Restaurants We Loved in March

Fake or not, spring is here, and accordingly, Resy staffers had their dining calendars fully booked this month. A few…


GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to New York City’s 2023 Michelin Winners

The Michelin stars are back in New York — in a big way.   Below are the New York City…


InterviewsNew York

Anthony Mangieri Is Pushing Pizza Boundaries Again, and Inviting Friends to Help

Even in the iconoclastic world of chefs, Anthony Mangieri stands out as a lone wolf. His Una Pizza Napoletana got…


Resy LineupNew York

The Final Resy Lineup: A Perfect Burger, New Year’s Eve Plans, and Comforting Takeout Food

Welcome back to the Resy Lineup, your biweekly dose of recommendations on what to eat, drink, and see. In this very…


GuidesNew York

Resy’s 2022 Holiday Bucket List for New York

To-do lists abound during the holiday season, especially when it comes to holiday gift shopping and grocery shopping but fret…


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