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Shireen Imani of Chulita

GuidesLos Angeles

The Resy Guide to the Women-Owned Restaurants of Los Angeles

Women do so much of the essential work in restaurants. And yet women struggle for recognition and visibility in so…


The Hit ListLos Angeles

The Resy Hit List: Everywhere In L.A. You’ll Want to Eat in March 2024

There’s no question we hear more often: Where should I go eat? And while we at Resy know it’s an…


GuidesLos Angeles

The 2023 Resy Guide to New Year’s Eve in Los Angeles

Between gift-wrapping and holiday checklists, you might’ve forgotten that New Year’s Eve is a mere two weeks away. And there’s…


GuidesLos Angeles

The Resy Guide to the 2023 Los Angeles Michelin Guide Winners

The Michelin stars are back in the Golden State. Below are the Los Angeles and Orange County restaurant honorees that…


"Avocado toast" at California's Troubadour

Dining Access Hit ListNational

Ten Restaurants That Define American Dining in Summer 2023

Yes, this is the summer when we complete the post-pandemic restaurant rebound. It shouldn’t be a surprise. For nearly a…


GuidesLos Angeles

The L.A. Insiders’ Guide to Restaurant Industry Haunts

Anyone who loves eating out is perpetually in the market for new restaurant recommendations. We at Resy pride ourselves in…


GuidesLos Angeles

The Resy Guide to New Year’s Eve in Los Angeles

In between gift wrapping and holiday bucket lists, you might’ve forgotten that New Year’s Eve is a mere two weeks…


Best of The Hit ListLos Angeles

The 10 Restaurants That Defined L.A. Dining in 2022

In a strong year for dining, what were the absolute standouts?  We asked our contributors to the Resy Hit List to share…


GuidesLos Angeles

Eleven Outstanding Options for Private Dining in Los Angeles

In a town where the cameras are always watching, it’s no surprise that L.A. is home to a considerable number…


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