Photo by Jovani Demetrie, courtesy of Corima

The Hit ListNew York

The Resy Hit List: Where In New York You’ll Want to Eat in March 2024


There’s no question we hear more often: Where should I go eat? And while we at Resy know it’s an honor to be the friend who everyone asks for restaurant advice, we also know it’s a complicated task. That’s where the Resy Hit List comes in.

We’ve designed it to be your essential resource for dining in New York City: a monthly updated (and newly expanded!) guide to the restaurants that you won’t want to miss — tonight or any night. 

Five Things In NYC Not to Miss This Month

  • Destination LES: With spring on the horizon, there’s no better time to explore the narrow streets of one of Manhattan’s best and most diverse neighborhoods for dining out. Here’s our list of can’t-miss spots, and favorites from Niki Russ Federman of LES staple Russ & Daughters.
  • Dine Out for a Good Cause: On March 13, Los Angeles’ Majordōmo is joining forces with Momofuku Noodle Bar for the first time ever, creating a unique menu benefiting the Food Bank for New York City. Tickets are on sale. Find more events on our Events Page.
  • Women of Food: March is Women’s History Month and since, day in and day out, women power the restaurant industry, here’s a list of just a few of New York’s incredible women-owned restaurants. And find more stories about women behind your favorite restaurants here.
  • Pop-Up to Watch: Keep an eye on Solo Diner, a trio of former Oxalis chefs cooking up delicious Filipino American food all over the city. This month you can find them over at Baba Cool in Williamsburg on March 11. Get your tickets here. And find more pop-ups on our Events Page.
  • Making Moves: Joomak Banjum is relocating to the Ddobar counter at Chelsea’s Olly Olly Market while the team searches for a new location for the acclaimed Korean Chinese fine-dining spot. Ddobar will still operate as usual for lunch daily, and Joomak Banjum will serve a special six-course tasting menu ($185 per person) Tuesday through Thursday nights. (Other nights will feature the Ddobar menu.) Pro tip: Bring a bottle; all corkage fees are waived. And make your reservations here.

New to the Hit List (March 2024)
Bangkok Supper Club, Bar Bête, Café Carmellini, Corima, Foxface Natural, Huda, and Scarr’s.