All Cities: Public Records

GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Date Night in New York

There comes a moment when every romance, new or old, comfortable or awkward, is tested. Your date leans forward, eyes…


Ultimate GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to New York’s Best Bars and Restaurants with Live Music

One of the best things about living in New York City: there’s no shortage of live entertainment. After many long…


Ultimate GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Bars and Restaurants for Music Lovers 

As people who love restaurants, we know that when it comes to picking a spot for dinner, there’s much more…


A table cheers at Public Records in New York.

GuidesNew York

The 2022 Resy Guide to New Year’s Eve in New York

In between gift wrapping and hot chocolate chugging, you might’ve forgotten that New Year’s Eve is a mere two weeks…


GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Vegan Bites and Cocktail Pairings in New York

New York isn’t necessarily known for vegan cuisine, but one thing it is known for is its cocktail scene. These days, however, that’s…


Secret Sauce

Raspberry Cheesecake by Public Records

From Joshua Lucio Lasso of Public Records: This cheesecake is simple enough to do at home, and between your local…


GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Vegetable-Forward Dining in New York

Whether you’ve resolved to start eating more healthfully in 2021 (or not at all — no judgments), the truth is…


Embroidered blanket from Ernesto's. // Photo Courtesy Ernesto's

GuidesNew York

The Resy Gift Guide for Restaurant Lovers in New York

It’s holiday season in New York City, but things are a little bit different this time. QR codes and estimated…


Secret Sauce

Vegan Irish Coffee by Public Records

From Francis Harris, Public Records’ founding partner, musical director, and one of the minds behind their beverage program: Public Records’…


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