All Cities: 53

GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Incredible Desserts in New York

You don’t have to have a sweet tooth in order to save room for dessert. At the end of certain meals…

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GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Excellent Private Dining Rooms in New York

New York City’s endless supply of standout restaurants is enough to keep a dedicated eater occupied every night of the…

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The Hit ListNew York

The Resy Hit List: Where In New York You’ll Want to Eat in Feb. 2024

There’s no question we hear more often: Where should I go eat? And while we at Resy know it’s an…


GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Celebrating Lunar New Year in New York

While we’ve just celebrated the start of 2024, in just a few weeks — on Saturday, Feb. 10 to be…


GuidesNew York

21 New York Bars and Restaurants with Excellent Zero-Proof Cocktails

Somewhere around a decade ago the dreaded term “mocktail” first started to surface on menus, referring to drinks meant to…


The dining room at Saraghina Caffé

GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Power Lunches in New York

As the birthplace of the “power lunch” — a term first coined in 1979 by an Esquire editor to describe…

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Fall PreviewNew York

Where New York’s Top Chefs Plan to Dine This Fall

When they aren’t busy expediting orders on the pass, or dreaming up new dishes, New York’s top chefs are a…


Ultimate GuidesNew York

The Resy Guide to Bars and Restaurants for Music Lovers 

As people who love restaurants, we know that when it comes to picking a spot for dinner, there’s much more…


Dish By DishNew York

The Stories (and People) Behind the Menu at 53 in New York

What secrets lie beneath the surface of a restaurant menu?  Here, we’re paying a visit to 53, a sleek bi-level…


GuidesNew York

The Ultimate Resy Guide to Splurge-Worthy Dining in New York 

Sometimes, you simply want a blowout meal. The kind of dining experience that goes the extra distance to make you…

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