Photo by Dan Ahn, courtesy of Moono

The Hit ListNew York

The July Hit List: Moono, Gertrude’s, Scarr’s Pizza, and More


While an argument can be made that any time of year is a great time to be dining out in New York, hear us out when we say that the first part of summer might just be the best. Yes, even if the temperatures are slightly elevated, there’s just something about summertime dining that can’t be beat. Maybe it’s the fact that, aside from the occasional smoke-pocalypse, it’s prime patio and rooftop season? Or the fact that the city feels slightly emptier — thank you summer vacations and summer Fridays — making it that much easier to get a table at that spot you’ve been meaning to check out?

So, we hope you take advantage of the season and dine out to your heart’s content. Maybe that’ll involve some refreshing (and restorative) cold noodles from Moono in Koreatown? Grabbing a slice (or three) from the new location of Scarr’s Pizza? Or tucking into a generous scoop of peach ice cream over at Eddie’s Sweet Shop? Whatever you choose, we hope it’s a sweet season to savor. And the Resy Hit List is here to help you fill your summer days and nights.