A spread at Hai Hai in Minneapolis. Photo courtesy of Hai Hai

Best of The Hit ListNational

The Can’t-Miss Restaurants From Coast to Coast in Summer 2022

By and

This was the summer we’ve been waiting for: to get back out and explore other cities, to finally see friends we’ve coached through mutual Zoom fatigue, and sit down for a proper meal?

How fortunate it’s also the season for a major rebound of new restaurants after two tough years. So yeah, we’re not only getting out to see the country again — but also to eat our way across it. Which probably makes for a good moment to have a bunch of dining-obsessive friends in cities from coast to coast. That’s the dream, right?

Turns out, one of the perks we have around here is that we happen to have just that kind of network, namely the loyal band that compiles our Resy Hit Lists each month. So we asked each of them: Which restaurant in town is this summer’s must-visit?

They didn’t disappoint. From a tasting menu in Chicago that marks the arrival of Filipino cooking to the would-be canon, to new-style Cajun in Dallas, to the return of the Europhile wine bar as New York’s must-dine trend for the season, trippy pizza and natural wine in San Francisco, tuned-up Vietnamese in Minneapolis, and so much more, this summer’s Best of the Hit List is a roster of amazingness all across our fair land.

Let it be your guide to stellar dining as you enjoy the heat, and segue into fall. (Fall vacations are better, anyways.)