All Cities: Rosella

Resy Staff Picks New York / June 2024

Staff PicksNew York

The New York Restaurants We Loved in June

If there’s one thing you must know about the people who work at Resy, it’s that we genuinely love restaurants.…


Staff PicksNew York

The New York Restaurants We Loved in February

Winter is definitely here, and here at Resy HQ, we’ve found there’s no better way to get through the season…


Resy RegularsNew York

Where Patricia Howard and Ed Szymanski of Dame and Lord’s Go for Date Night in New York

Where do chefs go and, more importantly, where do they love to eat? In Resy Regulars, we ask Resy chefs…


Taste MattersNew YorkNational

In An Era of Luxe Sushi, Is the Greatest Tradition to Be Local?

I’m seated at the counter at Rosella, an American sushi restaurant in Manhattan’s East Village neighborhood, faced with a platter…
