All Cities: Kensington Quarters

The Hit ListPhiladelphia

Where to Eat in September: Bad Brother, Messina Social Club, Samuel’s, and More

September has arrived, which means the wrath of summer heat is cooling down and the city’s restaurants are gearing up…


Photo courtesy of Spice Finch

The Hit ListPhiladelphia

The February Hit List: Spice Finch, Walnut Street Cafe, Vedge, and More

When February rolls around, most people are planning their reservations for Valentine’s Day. But why limit yourself to just one…


The Garden at Cherry Street Pier is all about outdoor dining.


The Resy Guide to Cozy Outdoor Dining in Philadelphia

Dining on sidewalks and in side streets, vacant lots, and courtyards were a necessary means of running a restaurant in…


The seafood platter at Kensington Quarters.

New on ResyPhiladelphia

New on Resy: Noord, Abe Fisher, Kensington Quarters, the Wayward, and More

Philadelphia has allowed restaurants to open for indoor dining at 50% capacity, but there many restaurateurs are sticking to outdoor…


Courtesy of Elwood

The Hit ListPhiladelphia

The October Hit List: Good King Tavern, Noord, Dahlak, Elwood, and More

It’s been a few weeks since Philadelphia allowed restaurants to open their doors for indoor dining, and that keeps expanding.…
