All Cities: The 404 Kitchen

The Hit ListNashville

The August Hit List: The 404 Kitchen, Pastaria, Hearts, and More

Mid-summer is when Nashville restaurants really strut their stuff, showing off the bounty of produce sourced from local and regional…


The Hit ListNashville

The April Hit List: 404 Kitchen, Flatiron, The Pink Hermit, and More

Spring is here (mostly), which means restaurants are dusting off their patios, opening those umbrellas, and preparing their most refreshing…


Photo courtesy of Drusie & Darr

The Hit ListNashville

The December Hit List: Drusie & Darr, Elliston Place Soda Shop, Sadie’s, and More

December is upon us, bringing with it a full-court press of holiday dinners, parties, and festive gatherings. Nashville is ready…


Courtesy of Liberty Common

The Hit ListNashville

The June Hit List: The Continental, Casa Rosa, Liberty Common, and More

It’s summertime in the South, and Nashville’s restaurants are queuing up the frosé, the icy cocktails, and the patio hotspots.…


Henrietta Red, Arnold’s Country Kitchen, Two Ten Jack, and More: Introducing the Nashville Hit List

It’s a complicated time for Nashville restaurateurs. Some are slowly reopening their dining rooms after months of takeout and delivery-only…


New on ResyNashville

New on Resy: Josephine, Hathorne, The 404 Kitchen

From a restaurant inspired by Sunday dinners to an eatery housed in an old church, these Nashville tables express a…
