All Cities: Epice

The Hit ListNashville

Where to Eat in December: Punk Wok, Luogo, Gully Boyz, and More

With the advent of the holidays, you’ll probably have plenty of visitors at your home, so you might be looking…


Photo courtesy of Drusie & Darr

The Hit ListNashville

The December Hit List: Drusie & Darr, Elliston Place Soda Shop, Sadie’s, and More

December is upon us, bringing with it a full-court press of holiday dinners, parties, and festive gatherings. Nashville is ready…


Photo courtesy of Epice

The Hit ListNashville

The July Hit List: Epice, The Row, Central BBQ, and More

Entering July in Tennessee is like walking into a steam bath. There’s no escaping this hot weather, but it’s more…


Courtesy Epice

The Hit ListNashville

The March Hit List, Lunch Edition: Margot Cafe, Epice, Pastaria, and More

Let’s face it: Lunch is the highlight of the day, especially during a pandemic in which so many officegoers are…



Resy’s Guide to Takeout and Delivery in Nashville

Even during these challenging times, many Nashville restaurants are still ready to serve you. Here’s our list of some favorite…


New on ResyNashville

Introducing Resy Nashville

We are pleased to announce that we’ve launched in Nashville, welcoming an impressive range of restaurants to the app. From a bona…
