All Cities: Teardrop Lounge

Photo courtesy of Normandie

The Hit ListPortland

The February Hit List: Canard, Bing Mi, Normandie, and More

February is one of the toughest months in Portland as cold weather, gray skies and rain continue for what feels…


Courtesy of Takibi

The Hit ListPortland

The June Hit List: Artigiano, Takibi, Principe Maya, Meals 4 Heels, and More

It’s officially summertime in the Portland. With long, sunny days pushing 9 p.m., there’s more time than ever to head…


New on ResyPortland

Now Open on Resy: Prey + Tell, Gado Gado, Nimblefish, and More

After months of exceedingly gray and damp weather, there’s nothing quite like Portland in the spring. After all, the city…


New on ResyPortland

New on Resy: Teardrop Lounge, Huber’s Cafe, Grain and Gristle, Olympia Provisions, and More

It’s been quite the year for Portland restaurants — but there’s still a bounty of spots to eat. And yes,…
