All Cities: Shaffa

The Hit ListSydney

The July Hit List: Izgara, Viand, Khamsa, Shaffa, and More

Sydney’s new openings present two contrasting visions of Turkish cuisine: Izgara is a red-curtained grillhouse, compelling guests with the char…


The Hit ListSydney

The September Hit List: Shaffa, Casa Merida, Damascus, Don’t Doughnuts, and More

The world might seem a lot smaller, thanks to lockdown, but Sydney’s eateries offer so many border-crossing possibilities and transporting…


The Hit ListSydney

The May Hit List: Shaffa, Tokyo Lamington, Re, Caysorn, and More

Drink up and enjoy that banana peel crisp atop your Old Fashioned cocktail – Sydney has a new bar with…
